working. I've also tried port-fowarding and DMZ in the modem, to no avail. So my conjecture is that the ISP has decided to block packets it considers unworthy before they reach the modem. Is this at all likely? How can I test/confirm the conjecture? If it is confirmed, what can I do? Needless to say, ISP "technical support" has so far been useless.

Note, ISP's don't usually block port 25565. Are you sure your router has been port-forwarded correctly? EDIT: More Information: The port is not locked to 25565, you can change it, and in this case, you'll have to. I can walk you through it if you need, we can chat about it, let me know. The only places you have to change it is: The server Aug 08, 2007 · For example, on Emails, I know a lot of ISP's try to block Port 25, because most spammers send out on that port, so it's fairly easy to stop some of them that way. Another reason why some of them block ports is because of hacking and virus issues, primarily because of the same reason above. This tool may also be used as a port scanner to scan your network for ports that are commonly forwarded. It is important to note that some ports, such as port 25, are often blocked at the ISP level in an attempt to prevent malicious activity. For more a comprehensive list of TCP and UDP ports, check out this Wikipedia article. I recently set up my home server with Home server 2011. I found in trying to configure remote access that my ISP, Cox communications, has port 80 blocked. They seem to take pleasure in these tricks. A moderator has moved this thread to Windows > Networking and Getting Online Forum. You can bypass torrent blocking by simply switching to a different port. Set your port manually to either 80 or 8080. You will have to deactivate UPnP and NAT PMP. However, this bypass torrent blocking method will introduce slow download speeds.

Aug 04, 2014 · Basically use a tool like portforward one to see if the ports you opened are ACTUALLY open and not blocked by your ISP still. Obviously it's still broken because this game is the only one that required me to go to such lengths and it needs fixing, but there actually was a solution that worked.

Port 80 is the standard port which web (http) servers run on. Many ISP's have blocked port 80 to stop viruses such as Nimda from slowing down their networks and infecting their customers' computers. If you are having problems with your ISP blocking ports including port 25 and port 80, visit for a solution. May 25, 2016 · Find No-IP here: Website: Create a Free Dynamic DNS Account: No-IP Knowledge Base Open a

You may find that despite blocking access to port 25, the ISP has opened a special, reserved port for its users to continue to send mail. This is known as the SMTP Submission port and by default is open on 587.

My ISP Blocks Port 80, What Can I Do? If you Internet Service Provider is blocking Port 80 you can use our port redirect feature listed under the modify host page. To do this set the IP address and the port you would like http requests sent to in the fields pictured below. The test is designed to detect whether your ISP is using any of the following techniques. Throttling all BitTorrent traffic, Throttling all traffic at well-known BitTorrent ports and Throttling BitTorrent traffic only at well-known BitTorrent ports. Port 80 is the standard port which web (http) servers run on. Many ISP's have blocked port 80 to stop viruses such as Nimda from slowing down their networks and infecting their customers' computers. If you are having problems with your ISP blocking ports including port 25 and port 80, visit for a solution. May 25, 2016 · Find No-IP here: Website: Create a Free Dynamic DNS Account: No-IP Knowledge Base Open a