Oct 14, 2019 · Cuba adopts several internet censorship tools to ensure that their users don’t post or share content that are against their ruling policies. However, internet censorship is not solely adopted for the purpose of suppressing citizens from acting out against oppressive regimes.

Dual Internet system. Like its dual currency, Cuba also has a dual internet system. The global internet – unaffordable for most Cubans. And its own intranet - cheaper and highly censored. The Cuban government controls all the communications infrastructure in the country. (Until 2008, it banned ownership of computer equipment and DVDs). Internet censorship in Cuba does not appear to be particularly sophisticated. Cuba’s ISP only appears to be blocking the HTTP version of sites, enabling users to potentially circumvent censorship by accessing such sites over HTTPS. Internet access and content remain severely restricted in Cuba, with only a very small percentage of Cubans, about 5%, enjoying web access at home. All such internet services are provided by state Mar 29, 2016 · Cuba. Cuban Internet Censorship is a Good Thing, According to The Nation Venerable progressive mag argues in favor of a repressive regime controlling access to information, because it beats Sep 04, 2017 · The Cuban government has blocked internet content deemed critical of the revolution from reaching users on the island for years, but apparently its censorship methods are not that sophisticated

Jul 29, 2019 · In 2013, Cuba hesitantly expanded public internet access. It also began a government-run email service for cellphone users. In 2015, the authorities set up 35 wireless hot spots around the island

Nov 06, 2009

10 Most Censored Countries - Committee to Protect Journalists

Jun 16, 2019 · Chinese dominance in Cuba’s ICT sector is worth challenging given concerns that the Cuban government potentially obtains its censorship equipment from Chinese Internet infrastructure providers. Expanding Cuba’s wireless network and Internet infrastructure will require large-scale investments from foreign telecommunications firms. Jul 13, 2013 · Censorship in Cuba is a fact of life. Self censorship as well. People and even foreign correspondents take care what they say and write in public. Having a comment removed is an annoying but small thing compared to the other sanctions people may face. People that speak out face all kinds of legal and para-legal sanctions. Jan 25, 2019 · “There's virtually no Internet censorship in Cuba,” a U.S. journalist based in Havana told me during a recent trip. Cuba has vastly improved Internet connectivity over the past fifteen years, but only about 40 percent of Cubans have Internet access, compared to a projected 61 percent for the rest of Latin America. Dec 31, 2019 · Internet censorship circumvention is the use of various methods and tools to bypass internet censorship. Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo is a Cuban writer and artist. 14ymedio is the first independent digital media outlet in Cuba. Cuba’s TV show Panfilo was censored because its main character didn’t want a Soviet car, not even as a gift. I saw the episode twice to try and understand why it had been censored and the only thing I found was that they poke fun at Cuban television’s attempts at producing an official “package” to compete with the popular version, in a desperate effort to win back the viewers they Media and culture Cubans cannot watch or listen to independent, private, or foreign broadcasts. They also can't read books, magazines or newspapers unless they have been approved/published by the government or receive publications from abroad or from visitors. Oct 22, 2019 · Gizis predicts that improved internet speeds in Cuba will bring on more censorship efforts from the government, making the Speedify VPN product more relevant to the Cuban market.