After all, today’s teens have literally grown up with the Internet and what may be considered “too much time online” by adults may seem quite normal to many teens. Still, just because something seems normal to a teen does not mean that it is healthy, and parents need to be aware of the dangers of teenage Internet addiction.

Be sure to talk to your child about the dangers of the internet. Let them know that it is possible to meet internet predators online, especially with the use of private chat rooms or social networking websites. Let them know that if they are harassed, whether it be by someone they know or donít know, contact you immediately. Between identity theft, cyberbullying, stalking, and phishing scams, steer your teen away from Internet dangers with this guide to online safety. We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you for business, marketing, and commercial purposes. Apr 06, 2010 · "Teens who spend significant amounts of time on line can suffer from depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and social isolation, and can fall victim to dangers such as sexual predators," Spend much time surfing the web? If you do, you need to be wary of things that lurk on the dark side of the Internet. Not only are there viruses, hackers and spammers -- online predators and a Understanding online dangers In order to keep your kids safe, you'll need to know about the different types of online dangers that exist. For example, kids and teens may find inappropriate content on the Internet, such as pornography or obscene language. There is also a possibility of cyberbullying or cyberharassment from others online.

Pre-teens (11-13) Online safety advice. As children between the ages of 11 and 13 make the transition to a more independent stage with the move to secondary school, they become more confident internet users with more varied habits. Internet use can be hugely positive for children, but it’s vital to continue discussing online safety with them.

Be sure to talk to your child about the dangers of the internet. Let them know that it is possible to meet internet predators online, especially with the use of private chat rooms or social networking websites. Let them know that if they are harassed, whether it be by someone they know or donít know, contact you immediately.

Jan 14, 2016 · Teen pregnancy: The birthrate for 15- to 19-year-olds (the metric tracked by federal researchers) has been dropping for decades and hit a record low in 2014. There were just 24.2 births per 1,000 teen females that year, compared with 61.8 per 1,000 in 1991 and 41.5 as recently as 2007.

Jan 03, 2012 · But with these benefits come great dangers all parents should know about. (Read more about these dangers in the free book, Parenting the Internet Generation.) 7 Internet Dangers 1. Pornography–Warping the minds of youth. Repeatedly viewing pornography, especially from a young age, can radically shape one’s sexual attitudes and beliefs. Some scams involve more than just a single purchase. Teens should, for example, be aware of one scam that promises “free” ringtones, but charges a high monthly fee that the teen might not be aware of until it shows up on your credit card statement. Both these online scams involve disreputable businesses. Be sure to talk to your child about the dangers of the internet. Let them know that it is possible to meet internet predators online, especially with the use of private chat rooms or social networking websites. Let them know that if they are harassed, whether it be by someone they know or donít know, contact you immediately. Between identity theft, cyberbullying, stalking, and phishing scams, steer your teen away from Internet dangers with this guide to online safety. We value your privacy. We may collect personal information from you for business, marketing, and commercial purposes. Apr 06, 2010 · "Teens who spend significant amounts of time on line can suffer from depression, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, and social isolation, and can fall victim to dangers such as sexual predators," Spend much time surfing the web? If you do, you need to be wary of things that lurk on the dark side of the Internet. Not only are there viruses, hackers and spammers -- online predators and a