delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries. dhcpclient - Changes to the 'netsh dhcpclient' context. dnsclient - Changes to the 'netsh dnsclient' context. dump - Displays a configuration script. exec - Runs a script file. firewall - Changes to the 'netsh firewall' context.

delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries. dhcpclient - Changes to the 'netsh dhcpclient' context. dnsclient - Changes to the 'netsh dnsclient' context. dump - Displays a configuration script. exec - Runs a script file. firewall - Changes to the 'netsh firewall' context. netsh advfirewall dump Create a script that contains the current configuration. If saved to a file, this can be used to restore the configuration settings. netsh advfirewall export path\filename - Export the current policy to the specified file. Netsh is a command-line scripting utility that allows you to display or modify the network configuration of a computer that is currently running. Netsh commands can be run by typing commands at the netsh prompt and they can be used in batch files or scripts. Remote computers and the local computer can be configured by using netsh commands. You can run netsh either directly in the command prompt or create .bat files and run them when required. You will need local admin rights for this to work. On Windows Vista and Windows 7 you also have to run commands in the elevated command prompt, or if you use .bat scripts, run them as Administrator.

May 27, 2011

Powershell script to setup windows port forwarding using native netsh client powershell port-forwarding pentest-tool netsh tunneling-proxies Updated Aug 6, 2018 Apr 16, 2018 · The Netsh.exe utility in Windows Server 2003 contains two commands that are available for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): export and import.You can use these commands to selectively export and import DHCP scopes. Mar 15, 2019 · The netsh advfirewall firewall command-line context is available in Windows Server 2008 and in Windows Vista. This context provides the functionality for controlling Windows Firewall behavior that was provided by the netsh firewall context in earlier Windows operating systems.

Oct 25, 2011 · The script is just a convenient wrapper around the built-in NETSH.EXE tool. Requirements. The script requires PowerShell 1.0 or later. You must be a member of the local Administrators group. The script runs on Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and later operating systems.

The Netsh utility can also save a configuration script in a text file for archival purposes or for configuring other servers. I found netsh.exe in the following dir: C:\WINNT\system32 so I put the following code in: Nov 05, 2014 · And as we'll discuss today, Netsh can also be used to manage remote workstations and servers. Using the remote functionality of Netsh . The built-in remote functionality of Netsh allows you to send commands to individual machines on the network. You can specify a remote machine you'd like to run the command or script on by inserting the -r option. Create netsh script to add the routes; Create a scheduled task to fire the netsh script when the link is connected. Disable the default gateway. From the network & sharing center, open the properties for the VPN adapter. Create netsh script to add the routes; Add in routes as you desire Easy adding of new Rules for your Applications Incoming and Outgoing Traffic. Windows Firewall Event Logging to simple Text Logfile. You will find the Log Files in your Script Directory. You can even restore your custom Firewall Rules when running the Rules Logfile as a Command Script. Apr 29, 2016 · Will retrieve and parse mobile broadband device information that it output from "netsh.exe mbn show interface" If your organization is doing mobile broadband for tablets, this is a must have. The IMEI is not exposed via WMI or the networking cmdlets via powershell (Get-NetAdapter, etc.)