Oct 03, 2019 · How to Set up Your Own IRC Channel on Freenode.Net. This article will show you how to set up your own freenode.net channel from the very beginning, without any prior knowledge needed. Choose a channel name. IRC channel names start with a

Is there any way to get the users of an IRC channel I want to be able to get the list of users and their details from an IRC channel without joining it and thus increasing its user count. So instead of issuing JOIN #chan and then NAMES #chan to get the list of users, I can run the latter command. Is this possible? irc. IRC channels - Index - FUNET #Tunisia - The coolest channel in the IRC #Turku - Turku, Finland (not in Turkey) #Twilight_Zone - a common watering hole for operators and various hangers-on U. #uk-poofs - Poofy types #Ulm - Ulm, Germany #umn - University of Minnesota, USA #unice - the most fluidistic channel #UNIX - the OS family #US-Opers - North American IRC Operators

IRC Channels - KDE UserBase Wiki

Featured Channels. If you're new to EsperNet or just looking for a new hangout, check out some of these channels. If none of these channels suit you, you might find what you're looking for using ALIS. For help on IRC, please visit #help. Wherever you decide to go, we look forward to seeing you on EsperNet. Official Channels If you're using an IRC client like Hexchat it will open the Channel List window. /list This command will display a list of all the channels available /list #op* This command will show you a list of all channels that start with 'op'. This list is sent to the 'status' tab. /list >20 Will send a list of all channels with more than 20 users. Jan 07, 2000 · The /list command enables you to find only the channels with a certain number of members, a very useful feature on a network with hundreds of chat rooms. Each IRC network supports many different channels. Once you are connected, you can obtain a list of the channels on that network with the /list command: /list Welcome to (IRC) Internet relay chat: we will provide you all chat irc networks channels list where people can easily finds their favourite categories international chat rooms IRC Channels list, in this web chat site you will finds all channels like Games, regionals, international, national, local, random, causal, cyberchat, trivia, uno

Once connected to an IRC network, you can also try the very useful list command to find those on that network. There are thousands of different IRC channels, on every subject under the sun. For example, a few of the well known, popular IRC channels are listed below.

Created in 1988, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a relay-based, real-time chat protocol. It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message. Edit: There is a command /msg chanserv access #channel list that will show ops and privileged users on a channel if the listings are not private. There is most likely a way, depending on your client, to write a little script to sort out the ops of a channel, but I am in no shape or form a competent programmer. Jan 28, 2008 · The reason IRC wasn't working with my PC was the modem having issues with the IPv6 address. Thr IRC servers did not want my IPv4 and wanted IPv6 but due to a small unknown issue, the IP was not functioning correctly. After a reboot of my router my IPv6 now appears on whatismyip.com and IRC is working normally. Thank you for being a guide to