Configuring the IPv6 default route

route add -inet6 default 2001:da8:201::9401 -interface 5、 测试命令 ping -A inet6 IPv6 目标地址 traceroute -A inet6 IPv6 目标地址 FreeBSD 操作系统下IPv6配置方法 FreeBSD在版本4.0-RELEASE后,已集成KAME IPv6 Stack,缺省支持IPv6 netsh interface ipv6 add route - Windows 10, 8.1, Seven Adds a route over an interface. / Windows Seven netsh, interface, ipv6, add, route, cmd, command, Windows, Seven: Quick - Link: netsh interface portproxy set Sets configuration information. netsh rpc show Displays the selective binding state for each subnet on the system. netsh interface ipv6 show potentialrouters Shows potential routers. Add a Static Route on CentOS - eSecureData Inc. Add a temporary static route. If you wish to add one temporarily, simply run the ip route add command with the right network information: ip route add via dev eth0. is the network you wish to access. /24 is the subnet mask is the secondary router to which you are adding a default route 使用思科模拟器Packet Tracer与GNS3配置IPv6隧道

IPv6 (教程) - DD-WRT Wiki

Adds a route over an interface. / Windows Seven netsh, interface, ipv6, add, route, cmd, command, Windows, Seven: Quick - Link: netsh interface portproxy set Sets configuration information. netsh rpc show Displays the selective binding state for each subnet on the system. netsh interface ipv6 show potentialrouters Shows potential routers. Add a Static Route on CentOS - eSecureData Inc. Add a temporary static route. If you wish to add one temporarily, simply run the ip route add command with the right network information: ip route add via dev eth0. is the network you wish to access. /24 is the subnet mask is the secondary router to which you are adding a default route

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2014-3-7 · Linux kernel‘ip6_route_add’函数拒绝服务漏洞Linuxkernel是美国Linux基金会发布的开源操作系统Linux所使用的内核。NFSv4implementation是其中的一个分布式文件系统协议。