Oct 04, 2019

@Francisco I am in my home having some servers that works internal, as our ISP not allowing anybody to get public or even static IP, I am thinking about solution for this issue. A few days ago, I build VPN and port forwarding for port 80 and 3389, and I succeed, but from time to another it is disconnect. You have any other good solution? DotVPN — a Better way to VPN - Chrome Web Store Virtual Private Network, a VPN service, provides you an IP address to secure your connection. When you browse the internet, DotVPN on your computer will contact the website through an encrypted VPN connection. DotVPN will then forward the request for you and deliver the response from the website back through a secure connection. Best VPN For P2P in 2020: We are the REAL DEAL | NordVPN With these risks in mind, if you use P2P, VPN should be your best friend. How using a VPN makes P2P safer? It secures your IP address. When you enable a VPN, you connect to a remote VPN server, replacing your real IP address with that of the server. This IP swap hides your location and helps you stay private while sharing files or simply OpenWRT router OpenVPN® setup – HMA Support Oct 04, 2019

Port Forwarding: What is it & How to Forward - FindYourVPN

Port Forwarding: What is it & How to Forward - FindYourVPN

Configuring Raspberry Pi as a VPN gateway using NordVPN

VPN Routers Setup - IPVanish