Unblock Your Website URL Blocked by Facebook. This tutorial is based on emyspot user experiences. For those of our webmasters that have created a Facebook Page for their site, and have added widgets to link up to the power of Facebook you may have been confronted by …

One of the reasons that cause Facebook to ban a website URL is spam. When you post your website URL more than necessary, your website is likely to get blocked on Facebook. How to Unblock Website URL on Facebook. This method involves chatting directly with a Facebook representative and have them check your website. This method has a 99% success How To Unblock URL on Facebook - Andyke It is often so sad to see that Facebook has blocked your URL even when you have not gone against their guidelines at all. Don’t worry! I have got a trick that works very well and will ensure that they unblock your URL in a matter of days. This trick works like magic and will help you unblock your URL on Facebook and is as a result of my many months of trying out so many things. How to Unblock URL from Facebook - Website URL Blocked By Jul 05, 2018 How to Unblock Website URL From Facebook Aug 21, 2019

Why is my website URL blocked on Facebook? How can I

How to Post or Send Blocked URL on Facebook Easily

Website URL Blocked by Facebook | emyspot

If you URL got blocked on Facebook, you may have already tried to unblock it by Shorten URLs Like bit.ly or goo.gl etc. Sadly, Facebook Bot is Smart Enough to find that it's a Blocked URL with just 301 Redirection. Facebook block or blacklist any website URL or domain for many reasons, Do you know over 60% of domain name bought have previously been used by somebody in the past? it is always advisable you check that domain name or website you want to buy to see if it been ban by Google search or Facebook or not.