This pixel tracking demo shows how easy it is to make a

Looking for Email Tracker? Get free email tracking for Email tracking is performed by adding an invisible tracking pixel to your email body. Your recipient will not see the pixel. Why is this extension free? has created a lot of tools for email marketing. This little extension is a little thank you gift to the users who have supported us by purchasing our main tools. We also hope this Email Tracking Pixels Used for Pre-Hack Info Gathering Apr 18, 2017

How Email Open Tracking Quietly Took Over the Web - Wired

Looking for Email Tracker? Get free email tracking for

HubSpot Community - Email tracking via pixel - Compliance

What is a tracking pixel and can strangers really spy on Jul 03, 2019 Yes, your emails are being tracked. Here's how to stop it. Most email-tracking programs use something called pixel tracking. Here's how email marketing company SendGrid explains its version of the feature: Open Tracking adds an invisible, one pixel image